:( Complaint - Zinara
Report Date
17 Jan 2015 at 14:24hrs
Nature of complaints
unmitigated disaster
Incident Date
01 Jan 2015
Person Responsible
Zinara please do something this is unmitigated disaster
We returned to Harare on New Year's Day from Sabi Conservancy (Senuko Section) via Chisumbanje and Birchenough Bridge, then onto Mutare and HRE.

The so-called trunk road just beyond the Malilangwe boundary to Birchenough Bridge is a without question an unmitigated disaster, or essentially a write off (we "inched" our way mostly between 2nd and 3rd gears for much of that sector up past Sabi Arda and Tanganda).

It took us 11 hours to drive to HRE via the SE part of Zims, when in reality it should have taken just on nine hours. I felt it most unfortunate that no signs were posted to indicate hazardous conditions ahead. What was even more horrifying was the senselessness of the lorry drivers and owners of many larny 4x4's who flew through along those broken up roads, seemingly oblivious to the dangers to themselves and others. Perhaps an appropriate word with the authorities would be in order, as the situation is not only dangerous, but the wear and tear on vehicles must be incalculable. How can this be accomplished?
(Inappropriate report?)

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